Info on what to Wear

What to wear


Choose mostly solid, neutral and subtle colors. Complementary colors that are diagonally on the opposite side of a 'color wheel' go well together. 

Do not have everyone wear the exact same colored shirt and same colored pant in a group.

Avoid very bright colors because they will invariably distract from the main focus: your face. Avoid busy print patterns. You can choose to wear plaid/stripes if it has colors that coordinate well but avoid very thin stripes.

Babies/Kids look best in their regular kids dresses, not in some traditional/formal dress. Please avoid traditional/formal dresses like Kurta/Salwar/Suits for babies and kids.


Layering with blazer/coat/jackets/sweaters can bring in variety without having to spend time in changing of clothes. Try to use textures with different clothing materials like tweed, crochet and embroidery, ribbons, ruffles. The details in such textures bring in added depth to the photos. Again choose colors that go well with the underlying dress or you may even try to bring in a pop of color.


Accessories are great if we don't overdo it. Bring hats/caps/scarves/hair accessories/jewelries and we can pick and choose during the shoot. Don't let accessories overwhelm the subject. Keep jewelry simple and minimalistic because too much draws attention from your face.

Don't forget to bring some toy/lollipop for your little ones to keep them happy during the entire shoot.

You can bring helium balloons/bubble-maker if you have kids of age less than 8. If you are bringing balloons, the quantity should be no less than 9.


Men - Please do not wear sneakers or sandals. Other formal or semi-formal shoes or any other funky shoes coordinated well with your dress can go well.

Women - Even if you plan to wear heels, please bring a pair of flat sandals/shoes to be able to walk on non-paved roads in the woods.

Kids - Funky colored/styled shoes/boots go well.

What Not to Wear/Do

Do NOT plan on getting a facial treatment done the day before the shoot. Do it 3-4 days prior to the shoot so that skin eruptions settle down by the day of the shoot.

Matchy-matchy, unless you’re going for a specific theme. It is important to coordinate your outfits WITHOUT your group all wearing the exact same thing. All plaid or all white can be painfully overpowering in your final image.

Try to avoid having just one person wear a completely different color, especially when that color is very bright or in stark contrast to the rest of the family.

Clothes that you are not comfortable in or something you have never worn before.

Check fit of jackets/shirts to make sure that the collar won't obscure your face when you sit down and the shoulder's won't bunch up.

Most Important

Sleep well the night before and plan to enjoy your photoshoot rather than being tensed about it. My goal is to give you a good experience and your photos will naturally look great.

Keep babies well fed and slept before the shoot.